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TSD Asfalto Emulsión

Bitumen Emulsions, Asphalt Emulsions and Sealants


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Bitumen Emulsions / Asphalt Emulsions 

In this section, you will find all the information you need to know about bitumen and asphalt emulsions; find every type of emulsion we manufacture according to each road project’s requirements. Pride ourselves in the production of bitumen emulsions, with top quality and all normalized under AASHTO norms and certified by ONAC laboratory. In our production plants, we like to control the quality of each one of the droplets of bitumen, starting from asphalt cement to the development of bitumen emulsion, with exceptional stability of bitumen emulsion, adherence, and elastic modulus, that allow for successful projects and wearing courses, cold-recycled mixture, seal coats, etc. 

Our Asphalt Emulsion / Bitumen Emulsion Products 

Conventional Asphalt Emulsions:

  • CRS-1: Cationic Rapid Setting type 1
  • CRS-2: Cationic Rapid Setting type 2
  • CSS-0: Cationic Slow Setting type 0
  • CSS-1: Cationic Slow Setting type 1
  • CSS-1h: Cationic Slow Setting type 1h (controlled setting)

Polymer Modified Asphalt Emulsions:

  • CRS-1m: Cationic Rapid Setting Type 1 – Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion
  • CRS-2m: Cationic Rapid Setting Type 2 – Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion
  • CSS-1hm: Cationic Controlled Setting Type 1h – Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion

Pro-Road Propietary Asphalt Emulsions / Bitumen Emulsions: 

  • PRIM-18: PRIM-18 is the acronym for Pro-Road Impermeabilizante Modificado 18 (Modified Sealant). This is a liquid sealant (asphalt emulsion), modified with polymers and also born from a modified asphalt molecule and custom refinery; which provides resistance, durability, resilience and waterproofing on the road surface. This emulsion can be modified with latex, styrene or other polymers, depending on the technical needs of the pavement. This product is applied by means of TSD (Double Surface Treatment / Chip Seal) techniques.
  • PRIS-74: PRIS-74 is the acronym for Pro-Road Impermeabilizante Simple 74 (Simple Sealant). This is a liquid sealant (conventional emulsion), which is born from a modified asphalt molecule and custom refinery; which provides resistance, durability, resilience and waterproofing on the road surface. This product is applied by means of TSD (Double Surface Treatment / Chip Seal) techniques.
  • PRP-98: PRP-98 is the acronym for Pro-Road Primer 98. This is a complementary product for PRIM-18 and PRIS-74 products during the Double Surface Treatment / Chip Seal process. This product is applied prior to the first coat to improve the adhesion between the wearing course and the surface to be paved with excellent penetration.
  • PRSS-94: PRSS-94 is the acronym for Pro-Road Slurry Seal 94. This product is a slow-setting / controlled setting asphalt emulsion specially designed for asphalt slurries or slurry seal. This product is incorporated with aggregates, water, and mineral fillers to create a high-performance and durable slurry seal. At Pro-Road, we additionally provide the design and application of your slurry seal based on the traffic and aggregate granulometry available for your project.

What is an asphalt emulsion?

Emulsión Modificada con Polímeros (Látex)
Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion

Asphalt emulsion is a combination of asphalt, water, and a small amount of an emulsifying agent. This mixture is processed in a colloid mill which shears the asphalt into tiny droplets. The emulsifier acts as a surface-active agent to keep the asphalt droplets in suspension and control the breaking time. The result is a liquid product with a consistency ranging from that of milk to heavy cream.

Asphalt emulsion has many uses in road construction and maintenance. It can be used as an adhesive to bind together layers of pavement or aggregate material, or it can be used as a sealant for cracks and joints in existing pavement surfaces. It can also be used as an anti-strip additive to improve the adhesion between asphalt and aggregate materials, or it can be sprayed onto existing surfaces to provide waterproofing protection against moisture infiltration. Asphalt emulsion is also often used as an alternative to hot mix asphalt for cold processes such as chip sealing or slurry sealing.

What is Bitumen Emulsion?

Bitumen Emulsions can be considered the same as asphalt emulsion, as described above, the difference between both products is based on the region on which it is being referenced, hence each region has its own way of calling its products. But it can be synthesised that a bitumen emulsion is a liquid mixture of bitumen and water, with an emulsifier added to keep the two components from separating. It is used in road construction and maintenance, as well as for waterproofing and sealing applications. 

Bitumen Emulsion, Asphalt Emulsion – Types, Uses and Advantages

How are asphalt emulsions classified?

Asphalt emulsions are a type of asphalt product used in road construction and maintenance. They are classified into three categories; anionic, cationic, or nonionic. The anionic and cationic classes refer to the electrical charges surrounding the asphalt particles. An absence of the letter “C” denotes anionic emulsions. Asphalt emulsions can also be further classified on the basis of how quickly they set, or revert back to “asphalt cement” (water evaporates). To simplify and standardize this classification, terms such as RS (Rapid Set), MS (Medium Set), SS (slow set), and QS (Quick Set) have been adopted. Additionally, trailing numbers are used to denote the relative viscosity of the emulsion and letters “h” and “s” indicate whether a hard or soft base asphalt is used to make the asphalt emulsion.

The classification system for asphalt emulsions is important for ensuring that the right type of product is used in any given situation. Different types of asphalt emulsions have different properties which make them suitable for different applications. For example, rapid set products are often used when quick drying times are required while slow set products may be used when a longer working time is needed.

What are the uses and advantages of asphalt emulsions?

Asphalt emulsions have many uses in road construction and maintenance. They can be used as an adhesive to bind together layers of pavement or aggregate material, or they can be used as a sealant for cracks and joints in existing pavement surfaces. Asphalt emulsion can also be used as an anti-strip additive to improve the adhesion between asphalt and aggregate materials, or it can be sprayed onto existing surfaces to provide waterproofing protection against moisture infiltration. Asphalt emulsion is also often used as an alternative to hot mix asphalt for cold processes such as chip sealing or slurry sealing.

Other uses, mainly in the cationic emulsion chapter (positive charge), are the installation of rolling surfaces such as surface treatments or slurry seals, which are a combination of a rapid setting emulsion or a slow setting emulsion (in some cases) with coarse aggregates of particular sizes, that once mixed together (slurry seal) or applied in layers (surface treatments) create a wearing course with great mechanical properties bonded with the aggregate particles. This wearing surface solutions have proven to be useful in a variety of applications, be it in wet weather or heavy traffic; emulsified asphalt /emulsified bitumen mixed with aggregates at a certain application rate (according to each road design) allows for a performance and elastic modulus that creates competent asphalt pavements at a fraction of the cost. 

Other applications are in cold recycled mixture of asphalt, where old asphalt pavement is mixed, normally with a slow setting emulsion, preferably modified with polymers, and cementitious materials such as lime or Portland cement; this recycled mixtures of old asphalt allows to reclaim its mechanical properties and be used as a “new” wearing course using the old asphalt as raw material for the “new” pavement. 

Why use asphalt emulsions?

Asphalt emulsions are a great choice for paving and maintenance projects due to their energy efficiency, flexibility, and environmental friendliness. Asphalt emulsions do not require the use of a petroleum solvent to make them liquid, which saves energy in comparison to other materials. Furthermore, they can be used without additional heat, further contributing to energy savings. Additionally, asphalt emulsions offer a great variety of characteristics that are not found in other paving and maintenance materials. This makes them highly versatile and suitable for many different applications.

The environmental benefits of using asphalt emulsions should also be noted. There are little or no hydrocarbon emissions created with their use, making them an environmentally friendly option for paving and maintenance projects. Asphalt emulsions also have the added benefit of being easy to clean up after use due to their water-based nature. All these factors make asphalt emulsions an attractive choice for any project requiring pavement or maintenance work.

How to apply an asphalt emulsion? 

Chip Seal with Synchronous Chip Sealer
Chip Seal with Synchronous Chip Sealer

Ashalt emulsions are typically applied cold, however, it can normally be heated up to 60ºC to give it greater fluidity. However, the main advantage of the application, whether slow or fast breaking emulsions (depending on the aqueous phase of the product), is the application of the emulsified bitumen layer, or layers, cold. Road emulsions are normally applied in combination with a quarry material of different sizes, as is the case of a double surface treatment that normally uses a 3/8″ and 3/4″ quarry material crushed with fractured faces and a wear of less than 25% to guarantee the preserved rolling resistance. The performance of the material depends on its good application every time, plus compaction of the material to ensure good “accommodation” of the quarried material.

The main equipment is a primer, either in a flute embedded in a tank car or manual priming equipment, or synchronized irrigation equipment that are hybrids between asphalt primers and gravel pits.

In the geometry of the surface to be waterproofed or sealed, it is essential to guarantee optimum water drainage (pumping) to avoid water puddles, since these end up deteriorating the surface over time.

What is an Asphalt Emulsion Sealer?

Asphalt emulsion sealer is a liquid form of asphalt that can be applied to asphalt surfaces to protect them from the elements. It helps prevent water damage, oxidation, and cracking caused by UV rays and extreme temperatures. Additionally, it can help reduce the need for costly repairs in the future by providing a protective layer over the surface. An asphalt emulsion sealer not only contains emulsified asphalt or bitumen emulsion, but it also contains additives and mineral fillers that make its mechanical properties better and also allow for improved performance and lifespan, especially in wet weather. 

When applying asphalt emulsion sealer, it’s important to use the right type of product for your specific needs. For example, some products are designed specifically for driveways, while others are better suited for parking lots or other large areas. Additionally, you should always follow manufacturer instructions when applying any type of sealant, as an improper application could lead to costly repairs down the line. Knowing how to properly use asphalt emulsion sealer can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in maintenance costs in the long run.

Reasons behind Contractors Choosing Bitumen Emulsions over Cutback Bitumen

Emulsified bitumen is simply bitumen droplets suspended in water thanks to an emulsifier agent with a certain percentage of bitumen content, but on the other hand, cutback bitumen, also known as diluted asphalt, has its base in diesel fuel, diesel oil, or kerosene. The fact that the asphalt particles are diluted and suspended on diesel fuel or any other fuel type of petroleum solvent makes the end product hazardous, possibly flammable, and in a certain degree, complicated to use and implement in a road construction project. The hazardous and flammable conditions of this product also increases the cost of the road construction project due to the special contingency and care conditions that must be implemented in the project.

What type of bituminous emulsion are used for road work?

Chip Seal with Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion
Chip Seal with Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion

The type of bituminous emulsion used for road work depends on a variety of factors such as climate conditions, traffic volume and surface condition. For example, in cold climates where temperatures drop below freezing point, slow-setting emulsions may be more suitable due to their increased resistance to cracking when frozen. In areas with high traffic volumes or rough surfaces, fast-setting emulsions may be preferred due to their ability to harden quickly and provide greater protection against wear and tear from vehicles passing over them. Ultimately

One of the largest defining factors in the different types of bitumen emulsion is the setting time. Longer setting times can cause significant disruption to traffic flow, as roads will be closed for longer periods while they dry and set. Conversely, bituminous emulsions with shorter setting times allow for minimal disruption following maintenance works, allowing roads to be opened quickly after repairs or resurfacing have been completed. Different types of the bituminous emulsion can also provide varying levels of protection against weathering and wear-and-tear, making them suitable for different applications such as patching potholes or resurfacing entire stretches of roadway.

Are Asphalt Emulsions Hazardous?

Asphalt emulsion is a combination of asphalt, water, and an emulsifying agent. It is used in road construction and maintenance to bind together the asphalt and aggregate materials that form the surface of roads. Asphalt emulsion is not hazardous when used as intended. In fact, it is considered to be an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional asphalt because it requires less energy to produce and does not release any volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere.

When handled properly, asphalt emulsion poses no health risks or environmental hazards. It can be safely stored in drums or containers without fear of contamination or leakage. The only potential hazard associated with asphalt emulsion is if it were ingested directly, which would be highly unlikely given its thick consistency. If this were to occur, medical attention should be sought immediately as ingestion could cause serious harm. Overall, asphalt emulsion is a safe material that can be used for road construction and maintenance without posing any risk to people or the environment.

When using asphalt emulsion, it is important to follow safety guidelines to ensure its safe use. This includes wearing protective clothing such as gloves and goggles, as well as avoiding contact with skin or eyes. Additionally, it is important to keep the area around the application site clean by removing any excess material from the surface after application. Proper disposal of asphalt emulsion should also be done according to local regulations in order to prevent contamination of groundwater sources. Overall, asphalt emulsion is a safe material when used correctly and poses no health risks for humans or the environment.

Labor Intensive – Chip Seal / Double Surface Treatment

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